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Heirloom Non-GMO Seed Preparedness Pack 35 Var. 26,000 Vegetable Seeds
This seed pack comprises 35 Varieties of Heirloom seeds and has 26,000 100% Non-GMO seeds. These seeds come with a resealable mylar storage bag with oxygen absorbent perfect for long-term storage and as an emergency food supply. Each heirloom variety of these preparedness seeds is packed in its resealable bag. Our survival heirloom seed bank can be stored for 5 years or more than 20 years.

- Includes an in-depth growing, caring for, harvesting, and seed saving instruction guide.
- 35 Varieties, 26,000 plus seeds
- Non-Hybrid, heirloom seeds produce true to variety seeds to replant for future harvests.
- 5 yr. minimum shelf life, up to 20 plus
- 100% NON-GMO!
- Makes a great addition to your long-term food storage for your food security.
Package Includes:
- California Blackeye Cowpea Beans: 4 oz. (appx. 350 seeds) Bush growth habit/semi-vining, high yielding. Heirloom variety.
- Waltham Broccoli Seeds: 3 grams (appx. 975 seeds) 20-24" tall, producing 5-6" heads Heirloom variety.
- Kentucky Wonder Brown Pole Beans: 30 grams (appx. 90 seeds), large yield, string less when young, have a distinctive flavor. Heirloom variety.
- Detroit Dark Red Beets: 8 grams (appx. 440 seeds). smooth, blood-red root. Great for salads, and you can use them as you would spinach. Heirloom variety.
- Copenhagen Market Cabbage: 3 grams (appx. 750 seeds) high-yielding, produces 7-inch heads. Heirloom variety.
- Golden Bantam Sweet Corn: 20 grams (appx. 100 seeds) Grow up to 6 feet tall/high-yielding. Heirloom variety.
- Marketmore or Muncher Cucumber: 3 grams (appx. 90 seeds) high yield of dark-green, plump, 8-9 inch fruits. The vines of this plant grow 4-6 feet.
- Utah Yellow Sweet Spanish Onion: 2 grams (appx. 570 seeds) Large bulbs, Skin is a straw color, and the flesh is white. Sweet and mild flavored.
- Bloomsdale Spinach: 3 grams (appx. 275 seeds) Semi-upright plants. Heavy, glossy, dark green leaves are heavily savored.
- Scarlet Nantes Carrot: 7 grams (appx. 4,750 seeds) Nearly coreless and tastes sweet. short roots (about 6")
- Salad Bowl Green Lettuce: 2 grams (appx. 2,400 seeds) Has large, frilly, curled leaves. Tastes sweet and tender.
- Black Seeded Simpson Lettuce: 5 grams (approximately 2,850 seeds) is good for continuous cutting and maturing early. Heirloom variety.
- Hales Best Jumbo Cantaloupe: 5 grams (appx. 170 seeds) The fruits are large, ribbed, and heavily netted. Produced 5-6 pounds of cantaloupe. Heirloom variety.
- Crimson Sweet Watermelon: 3 grams (appx. 40 seeds) Striped, nearly round, 15 to 25-pound melon. Very sweet, crisp, crimson flesh and small seeds.
- Green Arrow Peas: 2 oz. (appx. 250 seeds) Resistant to Fusarium Wilt and Downy Miltex. Produce slim, long pods that grow to be 4 ½ inches, containing about 10 peas each.
- Lucullus Swiss Chard: 5 grams (appx. 150 seeds) Has a sweet and mild flavor. Leaves are wide and crumpled with white ribs. The plant can be different colors (such as red, pink, or yellow)
- Beefsteak Tomato: 0.50 grams (appx. 85 seeds) fruits grow huge on vigorous vines and can weigh up to 2 pounds each.
- Yolo Wonder Pepper: 0.5 grams (appx. 70 seeds) Large 4 1/2 by 4 inches, 3 to 4 lobed, glossy peppers on large, sturdy plants.
- Jalapeno Pepper: 1 gram (appx 140 seeds) 3-inch peppers taper to a rounded tip. The taste is unique, hot, and spicy.
- French Breakfast Radish: 8 grams (appx. 700 seeds) Blunt oblong, 3-inch roots are red, shading to white at the tip.
- Waltham Butternut Squash: 6 grams (appx. 65 seeds) Improved butternut type with solid uniformity, larger quantity yields, and rich flavor. Tan-skinned fruits are 8 to 10 inches long.
- Black Beauty Eggplant: 1 gram (appx. 225 seeds) Fruits are a deep-purple, egg-shaped globe about 6 by 5 inches. Large yielding
- Purple Top Turnip: 7 grams (appx. 3,000 seeds) Smooth round roots, 4 to 6 inches across, are purple on top and white below.
- Clemson Spineless Okra: 5 grams (appx. 85 seeds) 6 inch, slightly tapered and ribbed pods on 3 ft. plant. when picked young (approximately 3" long).
- Rutgers or Roma VF Tomato: 0.5 grams (appx. 85 seeds) The fruits are medium-small, pear-shaped, bright red, and meaty, containing only a few seeds. Heirloom.
- Danvers 126: 5 grams (appx. 3,300 seeds) very sweet and nutritious. Nearly-coreless carrots grow about 7" long and have a blunt end.
- Big Max Pumpkin: 20 seeds Fruits often weigh from 50 to 100 pounds and can have a diameter of 20 inches or more.
- Blue Lake Bush Bean: 40 grams (appx. 125 seeds) high-yielding, hardy, and delicious bean. Pods grow about 5 inches long.
- Contender Bean: 4 oz. (appx. 200 seeds) Bush growth habit. Produce curved, 6-8? green pods. Good for shorter growing seasons
- Tendergreen or Florida Broadleaf Mustard: 2 grams (appx. 600 seeds) This 10-inch mustard has small, bright green, broad leaves with white midribs.
- Harris Model Parsnip: 3 grams (appx. 850 seeds) Smooth, whitish, 12-inch roots are tender and sweet.
- Black Beauty Zucchini Squash: 7 grams (appx. 60 seeds) Dark green, glossy fruits are long, straight, and slender.
- Champion Radish: 8 grams (appx. 700 seeds) Deep scarlet, the globe-shaped root is firm and stands well without becoming pithy.
- Romaine Parris Island Lettuce: 3 grams (appx. 1,700 seeds) Upright, highly nutritious lettuce. This variety has a tolerance to tip burn and is slow to bolt.
- Golden Acre Cabbage: 3 grams (appx. 1,000 seeds) produces green heads that are 2-4 pounds. The slow-bolting variety tastes sweet and is disease resistant.
Heirloom Non-GMO Seed Preparedness Pack 35 Var. 26,000 Vegetable Seeds
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